Basic Intro to Self Defense

Do you agree with this statement -  Self Confidence is Self Defense?  If so, read on....

Do you have an issue with low self esteem or self confidence?  Are you being teased, bullied or taunted by others?  Do you want to feel secure in your own environment without having to rely on outside means?  Ever thought you could rely on YOUR body, whatever the shape or size, to protect  yourself and your loved ones?

PHOENIX fitness is NOW offering one on one training or small group class training in Basic Self Defense..............

Many people think of self-defense as a karate kick to the groin or jab in the eyes of an attacker. But self-defense actually means doing everything possible to avoid fighting someone who threatens or attacks you. Self-defense is all about using your smarts — not your fists.  it's about tuning in your mind and body to the daily surroundings and how to handle yourself in any situations that arise.

We already have the tools on our bodies - to have to think about carrying Pepper Spray or a concealed weapon is all fine and good --- BUT, what happens if either of these are knocked out of your hands?  Do you have a Plan B?

With a 3 month course in some basic defense techniques, I feel sure that you will walk away,  (yes walk - this class will not cripple you) with some knowledge, and heightened self esteem and confidence so you can handle yourself and protect your loved ones in any situation.

Anyone ages 5 years and up is a good candidate for this class.  We can do this in my studio, we can do this at your house, or if you know of a community center that might allow this, that could work also.

Please call Thom at 719-930-6365 for more information - Do NOT wait to take advantage of this class - you may surprise yourself with the skills you already have!

S.D.a.C. Course (Self Defense and Confidence)

                           S. D. a. C. Class
Self Defense and Confidence

 Introduction To Building Your Self Confidence, Esteem and Learning How to Lessen Your Chances of Becoming a Statistic

Do you have low self esteem?  Do you need to build confidence? Are you on the receiving end of taunts, insults and teasing?  OR do you just want to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones?

My name is Thom Seehafer and I own PHOENIX fitness and Kenpo Studio here in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  I have a fitness and martial arts background of over 25 years and I would like the opportunity to help YOU!

Self-defense covers the concept, or topics of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully prevent, escape, resist and survive violent assaults. A good self-defense course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

Train in my private studio on lower level of my house or place of your choice.  We can train anywhere from 2-8 people here unless you have a spot in mind.
Accepting anyone ages 5 and up to learn how to strengthen your self confidence, learn some self defense and how NOT to be a victim..

This class is a 45 minute session that will instruct you in the basics in Self Defense.  It will NOT turn you into a mixed martial artist, but it will make you aware and give you the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your loved ones using the tools you have IN you, ON you and AROUND you

There is more to self defense than just fighting and we will explore that and I will help you see what it takes to NOT be a victim.  My thoughts are to open your eyes more to what is going on around you—self defense is more than fighting – it’s about daily self preservation

Ask yourself these 5 questions:

1.        Do you want to know how to protect yourself and others without the use of external means (weapons, pepper spray, guns)?
2.      Do you know how to execute a kick?
3.      Can you clench your fist and punch?
4.      Do you have a fight or flight button?  The fight-or-flight response is a physiological reaction that either prepares our bodies to stay and fight or flea the situation
5.      Do you feel you have the physical capabilities to do this?
If you answered yes to at least 3 of these question, call me now – let’s talk !

Read our Colorado Springs Fitness and Woodland Park Kenpo Karate BLOG!

(719) 930-6365